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{{line.subTitle}} {{vm.withoutLocalize("OrSimilar")}}

No Deposit

  • {{line.passengerCapacity}} {{vm.withoutLocalize("Passenger")}}s
  • {{line.largeBagsCapacity}} {{vm.withoutLocalize("LargeBag")}}s
  • {{line.smallBagsCapacity}} {{vm.withoutLocalize("SmallBag")}}s
  • {{vm.withoutLocalize("AC")}}
  • Manual
  • Automatic
  • No Deposit

{{vm.currency}} {{line.rate}} {{line.rateTypeName}}

Duration: {{vm.getRentalPeriod()}} Days

{{vm.withoutLocalize("Total")}}: {{vm.currency}} {{vm.getRentalPeriod() * line.rate}}

No Cars Available
{{vm.withoutLocalize("Pickup Date-Time")}}
{{vm.agreement.location.name}} | {{vm.getStartDate()}}
{{vm.withoutLocalize("Return Date-Time")}}
{{vm.agreement.closingLocation.name}} | {{vm.getEndDate()}}

PRICE DETAILS: {{vm.agreement.tariffGroup.subTitle}} | {{vm.withoutLocalize("OrSimilar")}} {{vm.agreement.tariffGroup.notes}}

{{(vm.withoutLocalize("Renting for:") + " " + vm.getRentalPeriod())}} Days
{{vm.getRentalPeriod() * vm.agreement.charges[0].rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}}
{{(vm.localize(chargesRow.chargesType.name) + ': ' + chargesRow.excessRate + vm.localize("QR"))}}
{{vm.getRentalPeriod() * chargesRow.rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}}
{{vm.localize(chargesRow.chargesType.name)}} {{chargesRow.rate}}{{vm.localize(chargesRow.rateType.name)}}
{{vm.getRentalPeriod() * chargesRow.rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}} {{rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}}
{{vm.localize(chargesRow.chargesType.name)}} {{chargesRow.rate}}{{vm.localize(chargesRow.rateType.name)}}
{{vm.getRentalPeriod() * chargesRow.rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}}


{{vm.currency}} {{vm.calculate()}}


Allow you to rent vehicles without a traditional deposit Instead we charging you percentage of the rental deposit based on the rental duration


Deposit Free System is not applicable less than 3 days



{{chargesRow.rate*vm.getRentalPeriod() + ' ' + vm.localize("QR")}}

{{vm.localize("PROTECTION OPTIONS")}}


Minimizes your financial liability for accidental damage to the rental vehicle

{{vm.localize('Protection Not Included')}}:

{{vm.localize('CDW Protection')}}:

{{vm.localize('Super CDW Protection')}}:

{{(vm.localize('Collision Damages Fee') + ': ' + tariffLine.excessRate + ' ' + vm.localize("QR"))}}

{{(tariffLine.included ? vm.localize('No Protection') : vm.currency + ' ' + tariffLine.rate + '' + vm.localize(chargesRow.rateType.name))}}

{{vm.localize("OTHER PROTECTION")}}


Minimizes your financial liability for Full Wheel and Wind Shield

Full Wheel Insurance

Windscreen Insurance

protection liability from wheel damages. protection liability from windscreen damages.


{{vm.localize("WHICH ADD-ONS DO YOU NEED?")}}



Want to share the driving? Add other drivers.



{{rate}} {{vm.localize("QR")}}

{{chargesRow.rate*vm.getRentalPeriod() + ' ' + vm.localize("QR")}}



Terms and Condition


  • An ID card/passport
  • A full driver’s license*
  • A valid credit card (in the name of the driver) *

*Please check the required Driver Requirements in this location as well as the Payment part with details about accepted credit the cards and the guarantee amount which will be reserved/charged on the credit card of the driver, in the terms and conditions you have accepted and have been sent to you with this voucher.


The maximum age of the driver is 75 years and a minimum of 21 years

The driver must have had a full, valid driving license for at least 1 year with no valid endorsements

International driving licenses in addition to domestic ones are required when the driving license is not in English or Roman

A national driving license is valid for 7 days from the date of entry to Qatar. It is highly recommended that you present your International Driving License as it is valid for 3 months from the date you enter Qatar. Driving licenses from GCC countries are accepted but valid for 14 days from the date of entry into Qatar.


Optional insurances/options purchased locally are controlled at the rental counter. Even if reserved, options may be subject to availability. No fees are charged locally for unavailable items.


Full insurance package

(Check the Terms and Conditions)

Liability (liability insurance for damage or injury to third parties outside the vehicle)

Basic collision waiver (protects you against damage to your rental car if the accident is not your Fault)

With this package, you have FULL PROTECTION except for the first part of the claim (Bid security)

In the event of damage or theft of the rented car:


QR 15,00 – QR – 3000


QR 1,500 – QR- 3000

Fuel policy:

Fair fuel policy: Full to Full (The car hire company will charge you for each missing quarter of a fuel tank and a refuelling fee may apply.)


Lead driver: The person named on the voucher (main driver) must sign the car rental agreement at the time of pickup.

Additional driver: details are not required at the time of booking.

Young driver fee: always INCLUDED in our prices.

Please note that any young driver charges, if applicable to additional drivers, will be paid on site.


The following credit cards are accepted:

American Express. MasterCard. VISA, Prepaid cards are not accepted

A valid credit card in the name of the main driver must be presented as a rental guarantee. Rent Solutions/reserve QAR 1,500-3,000 as a guarantee, Which will be refunded and released after 14 days at the end of the rental period if there are no damage/theft/traffic violations.

Excess coverage is available locally, offered at our Counter, as an optional additional form of coverage for all or part or the excess.

Please note that all local payments will be made in Qatari Riyal (QAR).


No Refund will be given for a no-show or lack of appropriate documents, Driving License, Passport /ID card, or Credit card, or cancelled within 14 days of the Rental Pickup date.

And cancelled before 14 days, 20% of the total charges will be charged. any cancelation should be communicated by email, with a refund request, if canceled before 14 days to reservation@rentsolutions.qa


Optional insurances/options purchased locally are controlled at the rental counter. Even if reserved, options may be subject to availability. No fees are charged locally for unavailable items.

Any changes to the voucher made locally may incur additional charges.

The liability of third parties includes the amounts included in the rates:

The insurances are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of the Company’s Insurance Agreement concluded with the insurer and are accepted by signing a rental agreement.

– For personal injury as a result of an accident. Subject to the terms or the rental agreement.

– For property damage due to an accident (excluding the rented car), subject to the terms of the rental


The car rental company can offer an “SCDW package” for about 60 – 100 QAR (daily rates depending on the group of cars rented).

Other additional optional insurances and services can be purchased from the rental company when you pick up your vehicle.


The tenant is obliged to report any accidents / incidents to the local police and car Rental Company. In the absence of notification, no insurance / coverage will be applied.

You can extend your rental booking by making a new booking at the rental counter and payment in advance.


Usually. Upon pickup. The Rent solutions will retain the amount on your credit card to cover the excess (if applicable) and missing fuel until the car and fuel tank are returned in the same condition.

Payments in cash are rarely accepted.

The Renter is responsible for parking and road tolls, towing costs and tolls. Any dissatisfaction with the rental car should be reported immediately to the local supplier.


Any “out of hours” charges. If applicable. Are always INCLUDED in our prices.

Any deviation from the confirmed pickup/return times on the voucher may result in additional charges, a closed station or a reservation treated as a no-show.

We strongly recommend that you contact our rental counter for any time change.


Working Hours

Head Office (D-Ring Rd)

Saturday to Thursday

8:00am to 8:00pm

Airport Branch (24/7 Hours)

DECC Branch

Saturday to Thursday

9:00am - 5:30pm


{{vm.withoutLocalize("YourBookingNoIs")}} {{vm.booked.agreementNo}}. {{vm.withoutLocalize("BookingEmailSentMessage")}}
